Kilz is a brand of oil-based and water-based primers that are widely used to cover and block stains, hide colors, and seal surfaces. Whether you are planning to repaint your house or finish a DIY project, knowing how long Kilz takes to dry is important. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through everything you need to know about this primer drying time, factors that affect drying time, and tips on how to speed up the process.

Kilz primer

Kilz primer is a type of paint that is used as a preparatory coating on surfaces before the final coat of paint is applied. It is used to cover stains, hide colors, and improve the adherence of the final coat of paint. This primer is available in oil-based and water-based versions, and each type has its unique characteristics and properties.

How Long Does Kilz Take to Dry?

Kilz Take to Dry

Types of Kilz primer

There are two main types of Kilz primer: oil-based and water-based. Oil-based this primer is the more traditional type and is typically used for surfaces that require heavy-duty blocking, such as smoke and water stains. It takes longer to dry than the water-based type, usually 24 hours or more. On the other hand, water-based this primer dries faster and is typically used for lighter jobs such as covering minor stains and providing a base coat for the final coat of paint.

Factors that affect Kilz drying time

Several factors can affect the drying time of Kilz primer. These include:


Humidity is the amount of moisture present in the air. High humidity levels can slow down the drying time of this primer. Ideally, the humidity level should be between 40% and 50% for optimal drying conditions.


The temperature of the room or area where Kilz primer is applied also affects its drying time. The higher the temperature, the faster the primer will dry. Ideally, the temperature should be between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal drying conditions.


Good ventilation is crucial for Kilz primer to dry properly. Poor ventilation can lead to prolonged drying times and may even result in the primer not drying at all. It is important to keep windows and doors open or use a fan to circulate air in the room.

Surface type

The type of surface being primed also affects the drying time of Kilz primer. Smooth surfaces tend to dry faster than rough or porous surfaces. Additionally, this primer may take longer to dry on surfaces that are heavily stained or have high levels of moisture.

See also:

Tips for Using Kilz Primer

Using Kilz Primer

To ensure that your Kilz primer dries properly and provides the best possible surface for your paint, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the surface you’re applying Kilz to is clean and dry.
  • Use a high-quality brush or roller to apply the primer.
  • Apply Kilz in thin, even coats, and avoid over-applying.
  • Allow Kilz to dry completely before applying your paint color.
  • If you’re using primer in a humid or cold environment, consider using a dehumidifier or heater to speed up the drying process.


In conclusion, Kilz primer is a popular choice for homeowners and professional painters alike, but drying time can be an important consideration for any painting project. Understanding the factors that can affect drying time, as well as tips for speeding up the process, can help you to achieve the best possible results with your this primer.